OTST Fun Facts
  • Helps Sponsors identify SBIR/STTR Phase II (PII) technologies with high transition potential.
  • Requires strong demand signal from the Sponsoring Program for program eligibility.
  • Works with technical point of contact (TPOC) to determine project eligibility and select the best funding strategy.
  • Awards PII and Phase III (PIII) contracts on a rolling basis.
  • Awards 90-100 days (on average) after the contract package is accepted by contracting.
  • Matches only DoD Agency or Component funding NOT prime contractor funding.
NOTE: OTST- A SBIR/STTR technology pull program NOT a competitive application process!
Role of OTST
  • Align resources to better support the DoD critical technology areas and modernization.
  • Accelerate transition into programs of record and to PIII for acquisition programs.
  • Encourage Sponsors to data mine (reach back) the vast array of previously developed SBIR/STTR technologies.
Benefits of OTST
  • Provides funding to SBIR/STTR efforts to help bridge the “valley of death.”
  • Accelerates transition of SBIR/STTR technologies to PIII, especially to systems developed, acquired, and/or maintained for the Warfighter.
  • Accelerates technology transition by enhancing connectivity among the SBIR/STTR firms, prime contractors, DoD Science and Technology, and acquisition communities.
  • Better enables SBIR/STTR firms to provide innovative and critical technologies to the DoD.
  • Awards PII contracts as Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Basic Ordering Agreements (BOAs).
  • Offers centralized contracting at a Contracting Center of Excellence (CCoE).
The OTST Program offers PIII contracting services through its CCoE. This service works well for DoD Agencies and Components that have an OTST effort contracted via PII BOA at the CCoE. The PII BOA is a great contract type to do a follow-on PIII effort. Additionally, this PIII contracting service is designed to work with any OTST-funded effort. The OTST Program collaborates with the Funding Sponsor to determine the appropriate PIII contracting vehicle.
Download our program brief HERE!   


Phase II Enhancement (e)
Matches funding (1:1) between the OTST Program and Funding Sponsor for the development of a new or ongoing SBIR/STTR PII project.

SBIR/STTR funds may be applied to an existing PII contact or to a 2nd PII contract. Sponsor funding is concurrently applied to the PII contract.
Probability of Transition
Targeted Phase II Transition
The Funding Sponsor has identified a mature technology (tech readiness level, TRL  5) within the SBIR/STTR warehouse that meets their requirement(s).

The Sponsor has identified funding (in an existing Program Objective Memorandum or Program Element). Technology must transition within 12-18 months of development.
Probability of Transition
Accelerated Transition (AT)
The Funding Sponsor commits to transition the SBIR/STTR technology and acquisition/ integration funding has been identified; matching funds may/may no be available (variable).

Sponsor will enter into a Technology Transition Agreement (TTA) with the OTST Program and clearly show the acquisition/integration plan and funds required to transition the technology.

Probability of Transition