OTST Program Overview
  • Requires strong demand signal from the Sponsoring Program for program eligibility.
  • Works with technical point of contact (TPOC) to determine project eligibility and select the best funding strategy.
  • Matches only DoD Agency or Component funding NOT prime contractor funding.
NOTE: OTST is a technology pull program, not a "build it and they will come" strategy.
Benefits of OTST
  • Provides funding to SBIR/STTR efforts to help bridge the “valley of death.”
  • Align resources to better support the DoD critical technology areas and modernization.
  • Accelerate transition into programs of record and to PIII for acquisition programs.
  • Encourage Sponsors to data mine (reach back) the vast array of previously developed SBIR/STTR technologies.
  • Offers centralized contracting at a Contracting Center of Excellence (CCoE).
Phase III Contracting
  • The OTST Program offers PIII contracting services through its CCoE.
  • This service works well for DoD Agencies and Components that have an OTST effort contracted via PII BOA at the CCoE.
  • The PII BOA is a great contract type to do a follow-on PIII effort.
  • This PIII contracting service is designed to work with any OTST-funded effort.
  • The OTST Program collaborates with the Funding Sponsor to determine the appropriate PIII contracting vehicle.

Note: While OTST can put external funds on a phase III contract, OTST funding cannot be applied towards Phase III awards.

Download our program brief HERE!   
Matching Funding
Matches funding (1:1) between the OTST Program and the funding sponsor for the development of a new or ongoing SBIR/STTR Phase II project.

SBIR/STTR funds may be applied to an existing Phase II contract or to a 2nd Phase II contract. Sponsor funding is concurrently applied to the Phase II contract.
Tech Transition Agreement
  • The funding sponsor commits to transition the technology.
  • Acquisition and integration funding has been identified.
  • Matching funds may or may not be available.
  • Sponsor enters into a Technology Transition Agreement (TTA) with OTST Program. This describes the acquisition/integration plan and outlines all funding needed to transition the technology.